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I wanted to become an architect to help people. People need well designed shelter for themselves, families, businesses and all type of endeavour that requires sheltered space. Architecture has the power to create beautifully effective shelter for the needs, hopes, dreams and memories of humankind, both collectively and individually. This design philosophy is an attempt to reconcile and bring design factors into an equilibrium, and create a NEW "architectural gestalt", to transcend architectural fashion. A treatise to explain and understand why it is necessary to intellectually balance design factors empowering all architects and designers to create a built environment that transcends the sum of its individual parts. The past comments of great architects including the International Style Architect Mies Van der Rohe inspire me to explore this. Humbly, I have come to better understand his design struggle. Mies said architecture is great "only when it is an expression of its time. Architecture is the battleground. It is a struggle to find the essential factors.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


  • Building Orientation and Form
  •  Building Envelope and Materials
  •  Integration of Renewable Energies
  •  Green Roofs
  •  Water
  •  Daylight Strategies
Building orientation and form

- the reduction and control of solar radiation;
- the provision of natural ventilation and natural cooling of the
external building surfaces by evaporative cooling.
- minimize the surface area of the south facing facade;
- at the same time provide for natural lighting and shading;
- avoid excessive solar gain during the cooling season;
- use the roof as an active skin.
It is important to consider the local
climate during the first stage of
building design.
An energy conscious design which
results in an energy efficient
building has to be based on the
local climate.
In a new hospital, the shape and
the orientation of the building
should be first defined considering
the climate of the area, the wind,
the temperature and the solar
It should be decided which areas
of the hospital need more solar
exposure and which hospital areas have a high internal heat load
and need less solar exposure. The aim is the reduction of the
annual energy demand.
It is important to balance the various requirements. Patient comfort
is clearly of paramount importance. Environmental impacts, energy
consumption and aesthetics are also important but the primary aim
when designing a new hospital should not be reducing the energy
demand to zero. Nor should the form of the building be considered
only in terms of the aesthetic result.
The section view of the Meyer Hospital shows that it has been
designed partly sunk into the hill. This diminishes the impact of the
building on the site and contributes to energy conservation by
providing shelter so that the hospital is shielded from the prevailing
winds by the hill and the trees.
During the design of the building effort was focused on detailed
planning and the design of the health care environment. The
psychological effects of the environment were taken into careful
account. This approach was considered essential for the neonatal
intensive care environment and its effect on babies, their families
and carers.

Building envelope and materials

Glazing and Double Skin Facade
A building has to guarantee a thermally
comfortable indoor environment for the
activities that are conducted inside. To
optimise thermal comfort it is necessary
to reduce the loss of thermal energy
through the building envelope.
A Double Skin Facade is an additional
external skin for a building that can
optimize the indoor climate and reduce
the energy demand of the building. The
brochure Double Skin Facade Design is
available for details.
The building envelope of the new
hospital building at Fachkrankenhaus
Nordfriesland has been designed with
high insulation levels and with special
attention paid to the windows.
There is a double skin facade with
windows which can be opened in the
inner skin, parts of the outer skin or
both. The windows are designed as
sources for supplementary venting and
daylighting as well as visual comfort.
Building materials have been very carefully selected, particularly
the materials exposed inside the building as these will affect the
indoor air quality.
The selection of building materials was based on criteria for:
emissions, adsorption, surface roughness and cleaning.
There will not be any PVC materials used within the building and
the use of metals is kept to a minimum.
The innovative elements of the building envelope and materials are
summarised below:
- Transparent insulation
- Glazing with reduced U-values
- Double skin facades
- Selection of low-emission and
low adsorption materials

Wall insulation
Energy losses are normally stated in terms of heat flow through a
square meter of wall per unit of time. The losses depend mainly on
the temperature difference between the inside and outside face of
the wall and the thermal resistance of the material, or combination
of materials, from which the wall is made.
Energy losses take place through conduction,
convection and radiation. The main way of
reducing losses is to prevent heat conduction by
adding thermal insulation to the envelope.
Cavity insulation: This is an inexpensive way
of insulating a wall but it can only be used when a
cavity wall is present. Retrospective insulation of
the cavity can occasionally create problems.
Inspection of the walls is recommended before a
decision is made to insulate a cavity.
Retrospective insulation of a cavity wall can be
done by injecting expanded clay granules, mineral
wool flakes or polystyrene beads through a hole
into the cavity.
External insulation: This changes the
appearance of the exterior considerably. A single,
thick insulation layer can be applied, which makes
it possible to achieve any desired insulation value.
The main advantage is that cold bridges can be
easily removed and prevented.
Internal insulation: This is fitted on the inside
of the walls of a building. The size of the rooms is, of course,
reduced by internal insulation. Inside insulation can give good
results when it is carefully executed in order to prevent
condensation caused by cold bridges.

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